Workers using drones – a hive of activity
We are starting to use a drone to capture images of project sites and gradually improving our game. Examples below are of an oblique image and an unrectified aerial image. We’ve still got a bit to learn to be able to supply ortho-rectified images (aerials images true to scale) so we sub-contract to an experienced outfit for now. However, we’re hopeful this will be an in-house service soon.

Warkworth Surveyors Ltd won the 2020 Warkworth Business House Bowls Competition!
Congratulations to Marty and Rupert who should considerable poise under pressure in the final. Go team WS!
A couple of donations we’re proud of . . .
We’ve donated $250 to the Mahurangi Senior Prize giving and $250 to Rodney Rams Junior Rugby League. We like to support the community that supports our business, and we particularly like to help our youth get a good start in life. Go you guys!
New sponsorships confirmed
First up, we are proud to confirm our ongoing support for Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust. We have been a donor to this fine service for four years now, and it is very close to our hearts after someone close to us had need of the service several years ago.
We have a strong association with Matakana School. Graeme's children attended the school and he was on the Board of Trustees for a time. We are really proud to continue our support with a cash donation, and a voucher for dinner for two at Wharf Street Bistro to be sold at the school auction. Delighted to be supporting the school and the children – maybe the surveyors of tomorrow!