Other services
We offer a full range of surveying services, be it for individuals wanting to locate their boundaries or subdivide, or developers embarking on multi-lot subdivisions. We can provide initial mapping for design and can set out marks for construction purposes. We also offer Local Authority survey assistance, including Road Legalisation Surveys and Council Services Surveys.
With over 30 years of experience, we have seen and done pretty much everything, so give us a call on (09) 425 7393 or email us and we'll be glad to help.
Find the boundaries of my property
Depending on when your property was first subdivided, the legal boundary pegs may be missing.
Topographical plans
Has your architect asked for a Topographical or Contour Plan?
Land restoration projects
Sound ecological advice can enable you to maximise your return on your rural block while taking care of the environment.
Setting out a new house on your section
The builders are booked and need to know where to site your new house on the section.
Property titles
Certificates of Title are the starting point for investigating the potential of your property.
Resource Consent applications
Virtually every development or subdivision requires a Resource Consent Application.